CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE To me the sky blue evokes warmth in my photography. The camera picks up more of the deep blue than the human eye. sku 80004
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CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Photography is about isolation of a subject especially with birdlife. The pastel pink compliments the scene. sku 80005
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Detail in the neck of these greylag birds has always interested me. I strove to get as close as possible to create this portrait. sku 80006
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Pastel colours compliment these two as one looks towards and one away from the camera. slu 80007
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Sometimes the photographer is graced with a super close fly past and must be ready to keep the bird in frame and press the button. sku 80008
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Photographed milliseconds after he takes to flight to head off with his fellow greylags. sku 80009
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE With a close up photo comes great detail. sku 80010
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE The greylag has a ruffled neck which is a great subject for detail. sku 80011
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE These two look like they don't know what to say to each other. sku 80012
The best detail in a bird in flight photo comes to those who wait. It takes the right intensity of light, the right angle of approach of the bird and many other factors to achieve a photo as clear as this one. gb10024
Like an angel on a Christmas tree the great tit spreads his wings as he is about to land. gb10025
As the great tit flies off from the tree his is in his upward wing flap as he makes his escape. gb10026
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE The swan looks like he has swam into icy waters with an iceberg ahead. Reality is a cloud being reflected in the water. sku sw10001
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Splish splash I was taking a bath - as the song goes. sku sw10002
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE Swan pursuit is a name derived from watching too much of the Olympic cycling in Rio with its "Team pursuit". A male swan with this bodyguard duties for his newly formed family. Seven of this little family members do need to be kept safe as they grow up towards full[...]
CLICK / TAP PHOTO TO ENLARGE The sunset was the last hurrah of the day I was heading home. Suddenly the sun reflected in the water and swan began to wing flap. sku sw10004